Easy Setup

1 Click Auto Installer

Skip the modding hassle, all of our packages now come with an exclusive 1 click auto installer. Our auto installer will install every mod for you in one click! Choose what mods you want to auto install! No two servers will be the same.

Quick Setup in Just 6 Minutes

  • Speed deployment (1-click)
  • Server ready in minutes!
  • Variety of mods
  • 7 Day Free Trial of Server care
  • Auto Port forwarding button!
  • Auto Install FiveM Artifacts

Included mods with the package!

  • Improved Postal Map
  • Fuel Script
  • Custom RP Chat
  • Seamless menu enhancements
  • Add features effortlessly
  • Interface scripts for enhanced gameplay

How do they work?

When you purchase an HTNetwork package independently, not as part of our VPS Plans, you will immediately receive a download link via the email provided at checkout. Simply locate this email, click the download link, and download the package. The download will be in the form of a zip file containing the complete HTNetwork Package, which includes the application, a Base framework setup folder, and our video guides. Please follow the video guides closely and avoid deviating from the instructions.

What is Server Hosting?

Server hosting provides an alternative location to run your FiveM server. Instead of using your own PC, you can operate the server from a virtual computer. This means it won't consume your PC's resources, use your personal IP address, or require your PC to be powered on continuously. Essentially, it’s a separate, dedicated environment designed to keep your server running smoothly without impacting your personal setup.