Frequently Asked Questions

Short answer is, no. You do not need a server host like Zap Hosting to use our packages!
Our packages using the provided video guides and HTNetwork Auto installer can be easily setup on your own computer at no extra cost to you! However, we would only recommend doing this if you are planning on having a small community FiveM server.
If you are planning on having a bigger community for your FiveM Server then getting a server from Zap Hosting is your best bet.
This is because it is more stable, secure for larger community servers.
Also buying a server host from Zap Hosting will allow you to have your server running 24/7! Of course you could have your server on 24/7 if you host it on your computer, however that would obviously mean you need your computer on 24/7 which could be costly on your electricity bill!

Either way is possible! It is up to you whether you use our packages on a server host, or on your own computer! Remember you could always buy our package first to get started managing a FiveM server on your own computer and buy a Server Host from Zap Hosting when it is needed!
We include easy to follow video tutorials for setting up our packages on both Server and Home hosts!

Check out what products we recommend from Zap Hosting here

Short answer, yes! Yes they can. If you are home hosting, you can easily have your friends join the server by doing something called Port Forwarding! This is free.
You can find a tutorial on this on Highway Troopers YouTube Channel! click here for the video!
Additionally, if you are planning on running our package from a server host, then your friends will be able to join straight away! No setup needed

Yes! Of course you can! In fact you have 100% complete control over the server. You can literally do what ever you would like to the server after installing our package!

Good question! In fact you can quite easily see a full list of every single mod that is included in the package by looking just below the product description and clicking the drop down menu that says, "what it includes"

Well, of course we could just say yes, however thats a bit biased isnt it?
Why don't you head over to our Trust Pilot page, here!
Then you can be amongst the 1000+ valued customers who have already trusted HTNetwork to help them build their dream FiveM Server!

This is an easy question! Yep :) Click here to join!

Phh! We arent just going to leave you in the dark! Of course we offer support.
All packages come with 7 day access to our awesome, knowledgeable FiveM server support team! You can extend this by joining the HTNetwork Server care subscription plan which can be bundled with your package at an even cheaper price! You will receive server support for as long as you are subscribed, maintenance updates and also huge game changing updates! all for less than $3 per month! Server Care
To access our support click the chat icon in the bottom left of your screen now and send your message! or send us an email at

Short answer, yes! All our server packages are one time payments! Once you purchase once, thats it! No more pesky and pricy monthly payments.
The only thing that is monthly is our HTNetwork package server care subscription.
However this is optional and not required!
It is only $3 a month for live chat support, special discord access, game changing server updates and maintenance updates! So you might find it quite hard to resist.
Server Care

Well this all depends on the RP Experience you are looking for!
If you are looking for a in-depth economy based RP Server with gangs, jobs, economy, phones, inventory, homes etc. The QBCore Platinum Pro package will be the one for you! Click here!

However if you would rather a more back to the roots RP experience you may be more familiar with that runs from menus but still with awesome RP capability then our vMenu Platinum Pro package is the best pick for you! Click here!

If you would rather develop your server yourself and just need a head start, then our vMenu prime essentials package can server as a great beginning point for your RP Server! Click here!